Apr 6Liked by Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Welcome. You vast experience background sounds like it will provide your readers with a variety to challenge us all.

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Thank you so much Michelle.

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Am excited to subscribe to your awesomeness, Dr Yildiz!

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Congratulations on your excellent newsletter, Dr. Yildiz. You offer a wide variety of interesting articles written from a wealth of experience and personal research. I have learned much from your work and highly recommend you and your newsletter to others.

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Congratulations Sir!! Loved the idea.

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Great newsletter, Dr. Yildiz.

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Congratulations, Dr Yildiz. This is a great idea. I will recommend your newsletter to my followers. Great to collaborate with you here and Medium.

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Thank you Aiden. I also enjoy collaborating with you and appreciate your support of my publications on Medium.

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Congratulations on creating this new newsletter. I love your health-related stories on Medium and will start following them on Substack as well.

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Thank you Mike. I love your health stories too.

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